Thank you for visiting GEF Institute! We are here to help you integrate sustainability into your campus, whether through student courses, professional development for professors, or administration and staff training.
Sustainability Starts with Campus Stakeholders
Sustainability is not strictly for the sciences, and it's not strictly for students. From social studies, to journalism, to political science, faculty will benefit from having the fundamental knowledge to integrate sustainability topics into their existing curriculum.
Sustainability education for administration and staff members will help train those most connected with the campus to consider sustainability in their everyday routines and long-term plans. For any sustainability initiative you'd like to implement, whether a recycling program or cafeteria compost, it's critical to have educated and credible staff.
For your Students
As career opportunities in sustainability and other 'green' fields continue to grow, students are seeking quality information that can lend to their future successes. Give them what they want by offering courses in sustainability as part of their degree or certificate. "Students are really interested in campus sustainability and thinking about the environment in terms of a future career," says Stephanie Pfirman, president of the Council of Environmental Deans and Directors. "It used to be jobs versus environment. Now it's jobs and environment."
Be a Leader with Sustainability Certificates
Colleges and universities are becoming increasingly aware of the career potential and global interest in sustainability concepts, and are beginning to offer sustainability focused degree programs or certificates. Give your students the advantage of sustainability education with GEF Institute's online courses or certificate programs. We can work with you to adapt our learning management system and content to meet your needs.