Unit 4 | The Global Water Crisis 99 4.2 Water Conservation Tools In response to the global water crisis, a growing approach to water sustainability is measuring the water footprint of individuals, communities, businesses, or countries. Water footprints take into account direct (water for drinking, lawn- watering, and waste disposal) and indirect (water that goes into the production of food and products) uses of water. Water footprint measurements are a useful tool that provide indi- viduals and organizations with a clear picture of their total water use, allowing them to track reductions in use, leading to greater water efficiency . Indirect uses of water are also called embodied or virtual water . It can be quite surprising to realize that the visible amount water we use can be dwarfed by the amount of hidden water that goes into everyday products and services. A good example is coffee. The eight ounces of water used to brew one cup of coffee is minimal. A water footprint approach, however, would also account for the water used to grow the coffee plant, and the processing, packaging, and shipping of the beans to supermarkets and stores in other countries. Viewed this way, it becomes clear that one cup of coffee requires vastly more than eight ounces of water. What can we do about reducing our personal water footprint? Reducing our direct footprint may be as simple as taking a shorter shower, running the washing machine less often, or turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth. Reducing our indirect footprint may be more difficult. The products we buy have large variations in water footprint, and it can be very difficult to determine their impact on water supplies. One choice that is guaranteed to reduce our water footprint is to eat less meat. Per calorie, beef has about twenty times more embodied water than the equivalent calories of grains or other vegetables. Other choices include cutting down WATER FOOTPRINT The total amount of fresh water used to produce or supply goods and services. WATER EFFICIENCY Meeting human needs with the minimum amount of water necessary. EMBODIED OR VIRTUAL WATER The amount of fresh water used to produce a product or service.
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