Unit 4  |  The Global Water Crisis 92 GROWYOUR KNOWLEDGE You turn on the faucet and water comes out. Do you even think about how much it costs? How much do you think water should cost? Do you think it should be free? Is there anywhere in the world where water is free? Why? In this activity you will explore the cost of water. 1. Research the cost of water in your community. 2. Research the reasons why there is a charge for water, and what other options might be available in other communities around the world. 3. As a class, form three groups and have a debate about whether water should be free or not. Group 1 will argue water should be free. Group 2 will argue water should not be free. Group 3 will listen to the debate and select the winner. Essential Concept There are many pressing global challenges of water sustain- ability. Water pollution, unsustainable use, climate change, and waste impact people and ecosystems. 4.1  Water Scarcity, Health, and the DevelopingWorld Even people who are not personally suffering from water scar- city , havemany reasons to pay close attention to the growing global water crisis. Water researchers predict that water scarcity is increasing. Some scientists use the term peakwater to emphasize the fact that water is being used unsustainably and water avail- ability is declining around the world. As access to water decreases, conflict over water grows. Such conflict dramatically increases the threat of global political instability and terrorism. WATER SCARCITY Having less than 1,000 cubic meters of water available per person per year. PEAK WATER A concept that emphasizes that accessible, clean water is being used unsustainably and is becoming depleted and unavailable over much of the planet.