Unit 3 | Water Use and Human Water Systems 82 twentieth century is increasingly beset by corrosion, leaks, and contamination. Many attribute the lead crisis in Flint, Michigan discovered in 2015 to lead leaching from aging pipes. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) recently gave the U.S. water system an overall grade of D-, highlighting an urgent need for upgrades and maintenance. Unfortunately, water infrastructure is chronically underfunded, suffering from shortfalls of hundreds of billions of dollars, according to the EPA. The continued ability of the water system to provide clean, reliable water is increasingly threatened by this perva- sive, and often hidden, problem. As the water infrastructure ages, it breaks down and can contaminate drinking water. 3.5 Water, Energy, and Industry In modern society, a significant amount of water is required for the generation of electricity and manufacture of products. This industrial water demand increased dramatically during the twentieth century, and approaches 50 percent of total water use in some countries.
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