Unit 3 | Water Use and Human Water Systems 77 This rate of depletion means that the water table is steadily dropping, requiring farmers to dig increasingly deeper wells and boreholes in order to access water. Agriculture is responsible for the most water use around the globe. As an alternative, water managers are constructing reservoirs and tanks to store rainwater, allowing farmers to irrigate their crops throughout the year. In Rajasthan State in northwest India, farmers use rainwater harvesting structures to recharge groundwater that irrigates about 35,000 acres of land and feeds 70,000 people. The lessons that Indian farmers are learn- ing about protecting groundwater resources are becoming increasingly vital as water scarcity increases around the world. 3.4 City and HouseholdWater Readily available and clean household water is a vital com- ponent of human health and well-being. Most people in developed countries can count on a reliable supply of clean water delivered directly to their homes. Compared with past centuries, standards of hygiene and cleanliness have increased WATER TABLE The upper surface of groundwater. BOREHOLE A narrow shaft drilled into the ground for water extraction. RAINWATER HARVESTING Accumulating and storing rainwater for human use.
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