Unit 3  |  Water Use and Human Water Systems 69 One approach toward understanding water sustainability is to think about the different ways that we use water. The principal uses of water are: ■■ Irrigation for agriculture ■■ Public water supplies and domestic uses ■■ Industry and energy production The percentage of water allocated to these activities varies greatly between countries, depending on development levels and how much of the economy is dedicated to agriculture. As a very general measure, developing countries allocate approxi- mately 80 percent of their water use to agriculture, 8 percent to public supply and domestic use, and 12 percent to indus- try. Developed countries, in contrast, commit 30 percent to agriculture, 11 percent to public supply and domestic use, and 59 percent to industry and power generation. Other measures further divide these general uses to include such sectors as min- ing, livestock, and aquiculture. Comparing water use allocations for the World, Developed Countries, and Developing Countries