Unit 3  |  Water Use and Human Water Systems 68 emphasize water efficiency and water infrastructure that is bet- ter aligned with natural systems and processes. GROWYOUR KNOWLEDGE Dams are a component of our water system that provide benefits and risks. With a partner select a dam, research it, and answer the questions below. When you have completed your research, create a poster of your selected dam. Hang the posters in the classroom and conduct a gallery tour to view and explain them. 1. What is the name of your selected dam? 2. Where is the dam located? 3. When was the dam constructed and by whom? 4. What is the purpose of the dam? 5. List three benefits and three challenges posed by the dam. Essential Concept Despite the benefits of modern water systems, negative impacts on ecosystems and communities need to be addressed. 3.1  Water Use, Consumption, Demand, and Efficiency It is tempting to frame water sustainability in black and white terms, by asking questions such as how much water is avail- able on the planet and how much people use. But, water issues are complex, and there are no simple solutions. WATER SUSTAINABILITY Equitable use and manage- ment of water that does not impair its availability or quality for present and future generations or ecosystems.