148 Glossary GREENHOUSE GASES (GHGs) Gases, including carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane that trap heat in the atmosphere. GREEN BUILDING Environmentally responsible and resource-efficient processes used in building, renovating, maintaining, operating, and using a building interior and site space. Also, a sustainably built building. GREEN REVOLUTION A series of technological developments in agriculture which are credited with increasing agricultural production in developing countries. GREEN ROOFS Roofs using a multi-layered struc- ture of plant materials that is designed to protect buildings while also managing storm water runoff. GREEN WATER Water derived from precipitation that is held in the soil and nourishes plants. GREYWATER Wastewater that is created in homes or buildings that can be recycled onsite for irriga- tion, landscaping or construction. GROUNDWATER Any form of fresh water supply, such as aquifers located underground, often supply- ing wells, springs, and agricultural irrigation. HYDRAULIC FRACTURING (FRACKING) The process of drilling wells into the shale and inject- ing water combined with chemicals into the wells at high pressure in order to crack the shale horizontally and force natural gas out and up to the surface. HYDROPOWER Energy produced using running or falling water. INDIGENOUS Originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country. INTEGRATED WATER RESEARCH MANAGEMENT (IWRM) A coordinated process for sustain- ably managing water resources among different stakeholders. INVASIVE SPECIES A biological species that is accidentally or intentionally brought from one area to another, causing damage to native ecosystems. IRRIGATION The application of water to soil for growing plants. KILOWATT A measurement of energy consumption that is used by electric utility companies for billing energy to consumers. LAND SUBSIDENCE Sinking land due to ground- water withdrawals or mining operations. LATENT HEAT The heat absorbed by a material that causes a change of state without an increase in temperature. LIQUID One of four main states of matter in which atoms or molecules can move freely while remaining in contact with one another. METABOLIC REACTIONS Chemical reactions that occur within living cells to sustain life. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDGs) A set of eight development goals outlined by the United Nations to increase global well-being and improve global health by 2015. MITIGATION Lessening the force or intensity of something unpleasant or harmful such as, green- house gas emissions. MOLECULE A group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. MOUNTAINTOP REMOVAL A mining technique in which explosives are used to expose coal seams. NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE Natural features such as forests, wetlands, and barrier islands that provide the same benefits as manmade water infrastructure. NON-CONSUMPTIVE Activity that does not con- sume or deplete the water source.
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