Unit 5 | Toward Sustainable Water Systems 142 Other educational programs around water are gaining ground in classrooms and informal settings. Project WET is a well- established educational curriculum that is used around the world to educate children and adults about water science, the global water crisis, and effective solutions for water sustain- ability. Project WET is tied to science curriculum standards and forms a core component of K-12 education in many schools. An increasingly wide array of teachers, businesses, govern- ment agencies, and non-profit organizations are making use of Project WET curriculum to educate people about water and its vital role in our lives. Beyond the classroom, people are learning to make water sustainability an essential part of everyday life. In both water- scarce and well-watered regions, people are learning that water is an essential resource that can no longer be taken for granted. The innumerable ties between water and human life and well-being are becoming more and more visible and respected. With more widespread understanding of water sustainability, people are working together to create a future in which water is front and center in community, school, and busi- ness activities. 5.5 Unit Review ■■ Businesses and agricultural industries are learning that practicing water sustainability improves their bottom line while helping communities and ecosystems. ■■ Green buildings and green infrastructure are emerging fields that are making reduced water use and reuse more common. ■■ Communities and entrepreneurs are making a difference in tackling water scarcity and low water quality in the devel- oping world. ■■ Schools are playing a vital role by incorporating water sus- tainability into their buildings and curriculum.
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