Unit 5  |  Toward Sustainable Water Systems 141 CAREER FOCUS: PUBLIC RELATIONS SPECIALIST Education: Public relations specialists typically need a bachelor’s degree in public relations, journalism, communications, English, or business. To specialize in water conservation, they should also study environmental science and other related subjects. Median Salary (2016): $58,020. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), public relations specialists educate people about water conservation. Because water conservation requires the participation and cooperation of the general public, public relations specialists inform people about what they can do—and what utilities and local governments are doing—to conserve water. Public relations specialists may work for utilities or government agencies and develop strategies to publicize water conservation initiatives. They may write materials for media releases, plan and direct public relations programs, and answer media inquiries. Typical job duties include: ■■ Write press releases and prepare information for the media ■■ Respond to information requests from the media ■■ Help clients communicate effectively with the public ■■ Help maintain their organization’s corporate image and identity ■■ Draft speeches and arrange interviews for an organization’s top executives ■■ Evaluate advertising and promotion programs to determine whether they are compatible with their organization’s public relations efforts ■■ Evaluate public opinion of clients through social media Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook , 2016-17 Edition, Public Relations Specialists, on the Internet at https://