Unit 5 | Toward Sustainable Water Systems 137 WATER CONCEPTS: WATER RECYCLING IN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA On the municipal scale, water recycling is an increasingly common practice that can provide reliable water for human consumption or other high-quality uses. Faced with growing populations and overburdened water systems, Orange County, California, has been a pioneer in transforming wastewater into potable water. The county boasts the largest water recycling facility in the world. In a multi-stage process, wastewater from homes and other buildings is extensively filtered and treated with ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide. From there, treated water is pumped into lakes and seeps into underground aquifers. The recycled and recharged groundwater is eventually withdrawn, offering a reliable fresh water supply to over 3 million inhabitants. Despite initial resistance from some Orange County residents, the program has been a success and other cities around the world are investigating the potential of water recycling to relieve pressures on freshwater sources. WATER RECYCLING The practice of treat- ing wastewater to reuse for beneficial purpose, including agricultural and industrial use.
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