Unit 5  |  Toward Sustainable Water Systems 136 Alabama Water Watch (AWW) is a community-based water monitoring organization that has made impressive strides in improving citizen engagement with water resources. AWW groups around Alabama have identified water pollution problems in rivers and coastal waters and worked with govern- ment environmental agencies in order to restore important aquatic resources. Other countries, such as Thailand and Mexico, have also developed their own water monitoring and education pro- grams with help from AWW and other organizations. A good example of the growing promise of citizen water stewardship is a joint project between Alabama and the Mexican state of Veracruz to monitor water quality in streams that pass through farm and ranch lands on their way to the Gulf of Mexico. The data from this project is helping to pinpoint areas in which better agricultural management can improve water quality. Volunteers around the world are finding that they gain a closer connection with their neighbors and their local environment by monitoring the health of their local water resources. Community members can take action by volunteering to help with water quality monitoring.