Unit 5 | Toward Sustainable Water Systems 133 In addition to their environmental benefits, green roofs also save money. One of the largest green roofs in New York City is found on the U.S. Postal Service Morgan Processing and Distribution Center. Covered in native vegetation, the green roof saves the Postal Service about $30,000 in heating and cooling costs and significantly reduces the amount of storm water pollution entering the sewer system. More widespread instillation of green roofs is beginning to make these normally wasted spaces important contributors to urban sustainability. 5.3 Water Stewardship and Innovation around the World In the developing world, communities are tackling long- standing challenges of limited fresh water access, waterborne disease , and poor water quality. Several examples are from Jordan, one of the driest countries on Earth. In the past, resi- dents of many Jordanian communities had turned to drilling unauthorized wells in order to meet their water needs, putting increased pressure on already-stressed groundwater supplies. With help from the U.S. Agency for International Development ( USAID ), Jordanian communities have become more engaged with water conservation. Some projects that have come out of this collaboration include increased use of recycled wastewater for industrial and agricultural uses, as well as community-led educational efforts around the importance of wisely using lim- ited water supplies. In other cases, entrepreneurs are playing a leading role in working with communities to increase access to water and improve the health of residents. Entrepreneurs are develop- ing inexpensive technologies that can quickly evaluate water quality and provide clean water without the need for experts or expensive water infrastructure. WATERBORNE DISEASE A disease caused by con- taminated water. USAID The U.S. Agency for International Development is the government agency primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid.
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