Unit 5  |  Toward Sustainable Water Systems 131 Green building also encompasses strategies that prevent excessive runoff and the transport of pollutants into water bodies. There is great potential to redesign city infrastructure in order to make water use and water systems much more sustainable. Many buildings and municipalities are replac- ing standard asphalt or concrete pavement with permeable pavement . Normally, rainwater that falls on roads, sidewalks, or parking lots quickly runs off into storm drains, putting a strain on sewer systems and carrying pollutants such as motor oil and road salt into water bodies. Permeable pavement allows rainwater to seep into the soil, filtering out pollutants and recharging groundwater. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT Pavement created from a range of sustainable materi- als and techniques that allow the movement of storm water through the surface. WATCH & LEARN Watch the video and respond to the questions below. 1. In community water conservation and stewardship, who do local communities work with to improve water sustainability? 2. What are the three goals that community water conservation and stewardship works towards? video: Community Water Conservation