Unit 5  |  Toward Sustainable Water Systems 123 relationship with customers as well as preparing for antici- pated increases in water costs in coming years. Coca-Cola, the world’s largest beverage company, has been aggressive in efforts to reduce water waste and increase water reuse throughout its operations. The company has used analy- sis of its water footprint and water audits to identify where their value chain depends on water, and has taken steps to reduce water waste and pollution. It set a goal for the year 2020 to improve water efficiency in manufacturing opera- tions by 25 percent compared to 2010 levels. Because it is such a large company, these efforts can go a long way towards rais- ing awareness of water sustainability throughout the world. Coca Cola estimates that on average it uses 1.7 liters of water to produce one liter of product. However, Coca-Cola has come under fire in some countries due to the perception that they are contributing to ground- water depletion and water pollution. In the southern Indian WATER FOOTPRINT The total amount of fresh water used to produce or supply goods and services. WATER AUDIT A comprehensive evaluation of water use of a building or organization and recom- mendations for reducedwater waste and increased efficiency. VALUE CHAIN The full range of activities that businesses go through to bring a product or service to their customers. WATER EFFICIENCY Meeting human needs with the minimum amount of water necessary. GROUNDWATER Any form of fresh water supply, such as aquifers located underground, often supplying wells, springs, and agricultural irrigation.