11 Introduction UNIT 5 | Toward SUSTaINablewaTer SySTemS 131 aSSeSS yoUr UNderSTaNdING 1. Howmuchultrapurewaterdoes theaverage semiconductorplantuseeveryday? a. 1–2milliongallons b. 2–4milliongallons c. 4–6milliongallons d. 6–8milliongallons 2. Greywater is: a. Non-sewagewastewater suitable for reuse in irrigation,flushing toilets, washingcarsandotheroutdooruse b. Waterderived fromprecipitation that isheld in the soilandnourishesplants c. Waterused toflushawayhumanwaste d. Surfacewater found in lakes, rivers,orwetlands 3. Theeraofglobalagriculturalproductivity resulting indramatic rises inpopulation andeconomicgrowth iscalled: a. GreenBuilding b. GreenRevolution c. GreenWater d. GreenUprising 4. Drip irrigation ismoreefficient than surface irrigation. a. True b. False 5. Whichof the following isacommonwaterefficiency strategy ingreenbuilding? a. Woodpaneling b. Concretedesign c. Green roofs d. Sumppumps 6. Socialmarketingcampaignscanhelp increasewaterawarenessandconservation. a. True b. False The Assess Your Understanding questions provide the opportunity to test your understanding of the objectives covered in the unit. UNIT 5 | Toward SUSTaINablewaTer SySTemS 130 GROWYOURKNOWLEDGE Individualsandcommunitiesarenot just looking forways topromote awarenessofwater sustainability, theyare takingaction. In this activity,youwill research sustainablewater systemsprojects that couldmakeadifference inyourcommunity. 1. Withyour teacher’spermission,watch thevideo,“ How toBuildaRainGarden inTwoDays ”at unitedstates/native-gardening-videos.xml,producedby theNatureConservancy. It tells the storyofacommunity inNew Jersey thatbuilta raingarden tohelpkeep polluted stormwater from runningoff intoanearby river. 2. Afterwatching thevideo,workwithapartneror smallgroup to researchother possible sustainablewater systemprojects. 3. Brainstorma listofat leastfiveprojectsand thenpickyour favorite. 4. Writeaproposalexplaining theproject,andhow itwouldbenefit thecommunity. 5. Writeanactionplanexplaininghowyoumight implement theproject. 6. Presentyourproposalandactionplan to theclass. CHeCK yoUr UNderSTaNdING 1. Whatare two toolsbusinessescanuse to identifywhere theirvaluechaindepends onwater?Howcan improvingwaterefficiencyhelpabusiness succeed? 2. What isgreenbuilding?Whatare twogreenbuilding strategies thatcan improve waterefficiency? 3. Giveat least twoexamplesofhow innovationaffectswater sustainabilityaround theworld. 4. What roledoeseducationplay in improvingwater sustainability? Grow You Knowledge activities—one at the beginning of the unit and one at the end— provide hands-on opportunities to explore additional areas of water sustainability. The Check Your Understanding questions at the end of each unit allow you to revisit the self-assessment statements to recognize how your knowledge has grown.