Unit 4 | The Global Water Crisis 104 CAREER FOCUS: URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNER Education: Most urban and regional planners have a bachelor’s degree in a related subject such as conservation, economics, geography, political science, or environmental design, and a master’s degree from an accredited urban or regional planning program. Some states may require urban and regional planners to be licensed. Median Salary (2016): $70,020. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), urban and regional planners develop land use plans and programs that help create communities, accommodate population growth, and revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas. Water supply and use are two of the biggest factors to take into account when planning new communities. Planners must ensure that there is enough water available to support development, and to ensure efficient use of water. Typical job duties include: ■■ Meet with public officials, developers, and the public regarding development plans and land use ■■ Administer government plans or policies affecting land use, the environment, zoning, historic buildings, public utilities, community facilities, housing, community design, and transportation ■■ Gather and analyze market research data, censuses, and economic and environmental studies ■■ Conduct field investigations to analyze factors affecting community development and decline, including land use ■■ Review site plans submitted by developers ■■ Assess the feasibility of proposals and identify needed changes ■■ Recommend whether proposals should be approved or denied ■■ Present projects to communities, planning officials, and planning commissions ■■ Stay current on zoning or building codes, environmental regulations, and other legal issues Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook , 2016-17 Edition, Urban and Regional Planners, on the Internet at https://
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