Unit 4 | The Global Water Crisis 101 Another proven strategy for conserving water is installing water meters that display a building’s water use. Research has shown that when users are aware of how much water they are using, water conservation increases, sometimes dramatically. Data collected from smart water meters can even be collected remotely, pinpointing areas with excessive water use and help- ing make education and outreach campaigns more effective. Water meters provide real time usage data and can reduce overall water consumption. 4.3 Water and Climate Change— Droughts, Floods, and Melting Glaciers A major facet of the global water crisis is climate change. Driven by humanity’s intensive use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil for energy, the heat-trapping gas carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are rapidly accumulating in the atmosphere. These gases prevent the sun’s WATER METER A device that measures water use, allowing customers to get direct feedback about the effects of water conservation initiatives. CARBON DIOXIDE (CO 2 ) A gas that is the most com- mon form of atmospheric carbon, used by plants in photosynthesis, and emitted during the combustion of carbon based fuels such as petroleum. GREENHOUSE GASES (GHGs) Gases, including carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane that trap heat in the atmosphere.
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