Unit 4 | The Global Ecosystem 99 4.5 Sustainability as an Integrating Concept Like ecology, sustainability emphasizes links between people and the Earth. The integrated approach necessary for sustain- ability is based on systems thinking , a method of study that emphasizes the connections between parts and the whole. Understanding ecological systems allows us to see the links between the Earth and human activities. Systems thinking requires that we make decisions based on environmental, economic, and social impact. Recall that these three elements of sustainability are known as the triple bottom line . This approach demands that we consider interconnections and root causes when aiming for global sustainability. SYSTEMS THINKING A method of study that emphasizes the integra- tion of various parts into the whole, and connections between parts. TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE A standard originating in the business world that gives equal weight to econom- ics, the environment, and social equity. WATCH & LEARN Watch the video and respond to the questions below. 1. What are three gases found in the Earth’s atmosphere? 2. What is the hydrosphere? 3. List at least ten things you can think of that live in the Earth’s biosphere. video: The Biosphere
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