Unit 3  |  Primary Sustainability Issues 71 preserves moisture, and reduces CO 2 emissions. No-till farming has experienced rapid growth in the U.S. and other developed nations, and currently encompasses about 105 million hectares worldwide. However, it is used on only about 5 percent of farms globally. With wider adoption, no-till farming has great potential to decrease soil erosion and agriculture’s impact on climate change. No-till farming reduces erosion. Organic agriculture represents another important solution to unsustainable food systems. Organic agriculture does not permit the use of GMOs, synthetic pesticides, or fertilizers. In addition to preserving biodiversity and preventing pollu- tion, organic agriculture can save famers money that would otherwise be spent on expensive chemicals. However, organic agriculture should not be seen as a cure-all for developing sustainable agricultural systems. Yields from organic farms are an average of 20 percent less than non-organic yields, accord- ing to a 2012 study fromWageningen University. Another HECTARE A metric measurement of land. One hectare is equal to about 2.47 acres. ORGANIC AGRICULTURE Agriculture that does not permit the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides or genetically modified organisms.