Unit 2 | Humanity’s Ecological Footprint 51 2.8 CARBON FOOTPRINTS Just as people’s ecological footprint differs around the world, people’s contribution to climate change also varies. Carbon footprints measure the climate change impact. For example, we can compare the carbon footprints of different methods of electricity generation, such as coal-fired power plants, hydro- power, or wind turbines. Looking at carbon footprints shows the nature of climate change as a systems problem. Comparing carbon footprints of electricity generation can help people choose more sustainable options. As we better understand the ecological footprint concept, we can make choices that improve sustainability. Measures of eco- logical footprint identify activities that may reduce or increase our impact on our Earth’s carrying capacity. Comparing ecological footprints among nations and people can suggest ways of life that are more sustainable than oth- ers. Many businesses and universities are measuring their carbon footprint in order to reduce their contribution to climate change. Companies are considering sustainable practices from material source, production, and waste to the fair treatment of CARBON FOOTPRINTS The CO 2 generated and the climate change impact of activities, individuals, organi- zations, or countries.
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