Unit 2  |  Humanity’s Ecological Footprint 42 2.4  THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Starting in Great Britain during the mid-1700s, new ways to utilize power to do tasks were invented. Wind, water, and coal were harnessed to do the work formerly carried out by human or animal muscle power. This age is known as the Industrial Revolution . During the Industrial Revolution, coal was burned to power steam turbines, generating energy to fuel factories and machines. This process, called external combustion , dramati- cally increased the power available for human activity. Easier INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The period between 1750 and 1850 where advances in agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and technol- ogy dramatically changed social, economic, and cultural conditions of many countries. EXTERNAL COMBUSTION Burning fuel to achieve work in a steam engine or power plant WATCH & LEARN Watch the video and respond to the questions below. 1. What type of renewable energy to early Egyptians use to power sailboats? 2. Name one purpose of solar energy for the Romans. 3. Name two innovations that occurred due to the adoption of coal as a primary energy source. video: Before the Industrial Revolution