Unit 1 | Introduction to Sustainability 22 Many countries face shortages of clean drinking water. Another aspect of sustainability addresses the needs of all people to access the necessary resources to survive and thrive. People in some areas struggle much more than others to access clean water, food, energy, health care, and other necessities. Part of this has to do with climate and habitat. For instance, people living in arid climates near the great deserts in Africa are challenged to grow food and sustain their health from a lack of clean drinking water. Economic and political issues and decisions also have a big impact on how sustainability is valued in a society. Countries at war do not consider the effects on the environment. Corporations make decisions to improve profits without think- ing about human rights or environmental consequences that may negatively impact sustainability. People around the world are waking up to the fact that business as usual, meaning the way business is traditionally con- ducted, is having some negative impacts on all aspects of life. Sustainability is at the core of this understanding and provides some answers to our planet’s troubling issues. Many corpora- tions, large and small, are implementing sustainability programs. Consumers are beginning to see how their choices make a dif- ference and are seeking out sustainable products and services. People are working together locally and globally to solve prob- lems for a more sustainable world.
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