Unit 6  |  Social Changes of Sustainable Development 130 Even in developed countries, inequality can result in unsustain- able behavior. Social scientists have developed the concept of relative poverty , in which even those who are well-off increase consumption rates to copy the lifestyles of those with even greater wealth. Evidence exists showing that wealthy individuals and corpora- tions have benefited from unsustainable and environmentally destructive activities, while poor communities suffer. A prime example of the challenges presented by globalization occurs in the electronics industry. Worldwide, most electronics manufacturing is in China, where labor conditions and envi- ronmental regulations may not be enforced. Globalization creates both challenges and opportunities. In the U.S., advocates of environmental justice have shown how poor communities often bear the brunt of pollution and unsustainable development. A well-known example is “Cancer Alley,” an eighty-five mile stretch of the Mississippi River in Louisiana, home to companies that produce one-quarter of the petrochemical products in the U.S. Rates of cancer in this area are significantly higher than national averages. RELATIVE POVERTY A measure of perceived poverty between individu- als and households within a community. GLOBALIZATION The elimination of barriers to communication, trade, and exchange, associated with the development of trans- national cultural, economic, and social connections.