Unit 6 | Social Changes of Sustainable Development 125 Along with economic and environmental health, social equity is a vital component of sustainability. Social equity can be defined as sharing the benefits of economic growth within and between nations, and providing opportunities for all people to live productive lives. This goal relates to sustainable devel- opment , which aims to meet humanity’s present needs while not jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. At present, severe global inequities in income, education, and access to healthcare and resources are challenges to over- come for a sustainable world. Although governments have an important role to play, sustainable development is also the responsibility of communities and all global citizens. Essential Concept Society and governance contribute to sustainability and support the essential elements of quality of life for people. THE BIG IDEA SOCIAL EQUITY A fair distribution of wealth and equal opportunity for all global citizens. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Meeting the needs of the current generations without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. GROWYOUR KNOWLEDGE With your teacher’s permission, view the video Global Wombat (All is One) at 1. Based on the concept of sustainability described in this course, what would you say is this video’s single most-important message? 2. This is a light-hearted take on a serious issue. Do you think this animated piece is more about why we must get along, or how we can get along?
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