Unit 5 | The Importance of Biodiversity 121 GROWYOUR KNOWLEDGE The poetry of many cultures often draws from the intersection of the human and the natural. The Japanese poetry form of haiku offers matter-of-fact, yet surprising, observations on nature. Medieval Persian poetry used parables, metaphors, and vivid language to explore the spiritually of nature. Eighteenth century Romantic poets frequently wrote about a love of nature to emphasize the importance of emotion and imagination. In this activity, you will read examples of poems inspired by nature, and then create your own poem. 1. Look up and read poems about nature, such as haiku, “A green Cornfield,” by Christina Rosetti, “How Poetry Comes to Me,” by Gary Snyder, and “Wild Geese,” by Mary Oliver. 2. Consider what you learned in this unit about the biosphere, including its biodiversity and the challenges to that biodiversity. Think about how nature is important to you. 3. With a partner or as a class, spend up to 5minutes brainstorming adjectives describing nature and its importance. Youmight consider what you observe in nature, why you are concerned about the state of nature, and/or hownature inspires you. 4. Write your own nature poem. It can be in any form of your own choosing, such as a haiku, sonnet, or even a limerick, and it may rhyme or not. Include a brief introduction explaining what inspired your poem. 5. Think about how this activity helps you better understand how we all are connected. Why is poetry a useful tool in cultivating an appreciation of the biosphere? CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1. What is the biosphere? How does the biosphere support a vast range of organisms? 2. What is the difference between species diversity and genetic diversity? How does biodiversity act as nature’s “risk management tool”? 3. Why are high levels of biodiversity important to humans? Why do scientists and conservationists advocate for the precautionary principle? 4. How is human activity eroding biodiversity? Describe a specific example of this biodiversity crisis. 5. What are the key threats to biodiversity today? What are some of the specific protection strategies being implemented?
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